Monday, 26 May 2008

Fierce Festival photos added to the gallery

Photos from our visit to the ‘Fierce Festival’, Birmingham are now in the photo gallery, there will be more to follow…

The Butlers visited Birmingham!

Dear All,

We have nearly recovered from our visit to the 'Fierce Festival' yesterday in Birmingham, we were very kindly invited to participate in a old English village fete experience, created by ‘The Fete Encounter’. A wonderful day was had by all the Butlers, my colleagues will hopefully be putting some of their experiences on the blog in the coming days.

Myself, the strangest moment was being asked to put nail polish onto two charming ladies hands, not something I am accustomed to I might add, but a Butler needs to put their hands to many things!! An observation made by us all over the day was how polite everyone is in Birmingham, not once did we hear a cross word spoken and everyone was quite charming wherever we were throughout the City. Overall amongst bunting hanging, trolley repairing, gazebo anchoring, water hazard observations, cart guarding, nail polishing, march rallying and numerous photos. Thompson had a very pleasant and enjoyable day, with thanks to Jen and 'The Fete Encounter' for the invitation to provide services at their event.


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Three days till Birmingham

Not long now until the Butlers will be offering our services to the residents of Birmingham, courtesy of ‘The Fete Encounter’, we will be in Central Square, Brindley Place 12md-6pm.


Preparations are fully underway I am polishing my new travelling case, Fletcher is choosing his choose of tea for our 4pm break, Edgar has responsibility for co-ordinating our travel arrangements and Hopkins is carrying out a psychogeographical analysis of Birmingham city centre (best not to ask!)


Thank you to those who have already been in contact, we look forward to being of service during our visit.  For those unable to attend we will be posting a post service commentary, hopefully capturing some of the events that took place through the eyes of the Butlers,







Tuesday, 20 May 2008

The Butler Blog Returns!!

Dear All,

We hope this finds you well, following a Butler meeting this evening we have decided to open up our 'Butler Blog' to report on all of our activities over the coming period. Until now it has been reserved only to report happenings at our annual 'Edinburgh visit' each August. With an increase in demand for our Butlerial Services over the next few months, we thought it would be a nice informal way for the Butlers to update you on any new developments and share some of the personal experiences (good and bad!) we encounter whilst being of service.

As always we welcome any comments, experiences, thoughts, suggestions you may wish to add, we look forward to hearing from you.

