Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Sunday 17/8 It is the evening of the day

The highlights of a busy day yesterday over tea, vanilla latte and mandarin smoothie, Hopkins remembers cooking a scrumptious meal for three young ladies, Newsam recollects the delivery of his first Butler message, I reminisce about beaches, amusements arcades and ice cream and Thompson dwells upon the still smarting injuries sustained in a freak showering accident. As we begin our final day at this year's festival and prepare to say goodbye to many friends old and new, we cannot resist looking ahead, the multifarious possibilities of next year's Butlerial contribution to these esteemed festivities Peking our curiosity.

Fletcher the Butler

Saturday 16/8 Zen and the art of Woking

Yesterday was a day of convivial conversation in the varied surrounding of this fair city. Particularly memorable was an audience with our honorary butler and her antipodean colleague below the saltire over a light lapsang, superb Scottish blue cheese and quince membricco. Meanwhile Thompson was at the airport and Hopkins was riding BMX bicycles into trees on the meadows. Later, after watching the S.R.Gents perform a set which according to Hopkins, "sounded a bit French", Hopkins and I served at a dinner party fo twenty-five, I in the kitchen learning the impenetrable secrets of wok technique, he in the dining room with tray and food. A song was composed in our honour, and we are retired to our palatial accommodation tired but happy.

Fletcher the Butler

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Friday 15th August Shakespeare and Udder Performances

As Hopkins and I repose in our favourite morning hostelry close to the castle, munching on bacon and tomato rolls and imbibing refreshing breakfast tea and vanilla latte, our thoughts turn back to yesterday’s activities. Hopkins reflects upon the plethora of tasks which he undertook in the bowels of an inverted purple cow, while I muse upon yet another stage appearance, this time reciting the bard in the salubrious surroundings of one of Edinburgh’s premier hotels. Meanwhile, Thompson and Newsam are busy serving coffee and croissants to a young lady in the privacy of her exclusive accommodation, the Butlers’ first breakfast service this year. Commissions continue to stream in but the impending end of the week is hasting sad thoughts of imminent departure.

Fletcher the Butler

Friday 15th August Shakespeare and Udder Performances

As Hopkins and I repose in our favourite morning hostelry close to the castle, munching on bacon and tomato rolls and imbibing refreshing breakfast tea and vanilla latte, our thoughts turn back to yesterday’s activities. Hopkins reflects upon the plethora of tasks which he undertook in the bowels of an inverted purple cow, while I muse upon yet another stage appearance, this time reciting the bard in the salubrious surroundings of one of Edinburgh’s premier hotels. Meanwhile, Thompson and Newsam are busy serving coffee and croissants to a young lady in the privacy of her exclusive accommodation, the Butlers’ first breakfast service this year. Commissions continue to stream in but the impending end of the week is hasting sad thoughts of imminent departure.

Fletcher the Butler

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Half Way

I had been remarking that my Butlerial activities seemed to be confined to a relatively small area of the old town, but yesterday saw me kettering hither and thither o’er hill and dale to accomplish far-flung commissions. I acted as guide, delivered flowers, announced myself to the passers-by of Hanover street as ‘Laura Keeler’, sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and finally tracked down the elusive Mr Bailey. I even had time to peruse the reserve stack at Edinburgh’s wonderful central library, in search of Bird puns. And choughed I was wren I displovered so many, and without puffin eider! Several tasks are already lined up for today, including a guest appearance in another show, and we look forward to s tryst with our old friends the S.R. Gents.

Fletcher the Butler

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Rain, more rain and late nights

The persistent rain which continues to dog Edinburgh fails to dampen our spirits and we notch up more commissions, sourcing padlocks and presents, reciting poems, servicing dinner parties and causing a stir with our daily afternoon drinking of tea. Havering between a choice of lunchtime hostelries yesterday, we chose to renew our acquaintance with a favourite Turkish bistro, where we partook of a delightful meze platter and peppermint infusion. While there , my services were requested as Birthday Butler to a certain Mr L, with whom I ended up on stage in two prestigious comedy entertainments later in the day, rubbing shoulders with a bright young things of the comedy firmament. As we approach he mid-point in our festival sojourn, we are not only beginning to see shows, but to appear in them too! What further excitements can the week bring?

Fletcher the butler

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Some quotations from the Fringe

We thought it would be nice to share some of our favourite quotations we have collected over the days so far:

"Oh it's the wedding pictures" - 5 Year old girl.
"Your sort of monks yourself" - A Harry Christna Monk.
"You make the Edinburgh Festival" - Kathryn.
"I am just glad to see work Factotum on it" - Flyerer at the Pleasance.
"I know the Festival is here when I see the Butlers" - Wife of the Turkish Man
"It's nice to know there are Butlers on hand when you need one" - Man selling truffles on the Meadows.
"Your a legend" - Carly.
"It makes me feel giddy" - Dan
"This is going to be laminated straight away" - Performer
"What? I don't understand?" - Several people!
The Butlers continue to walk the sloping streets of damp Edinburgh, I glad of my purchase of stout wellington boots in the fair town of Biggar prior to our arrival. Yesterday was a quieter day, with the initial flurry of commissions subsiding to a steady stream – up to 30 so far! Hopkins has been treading on my toes by delivering chains of messages. He was particularly pleased to receive a request for service from a wonderfully named Factotum letting agency, and has not been averse to accepting occasional embraces of gratitude in recompense. Newsam is filling his time in documenting the daily activities of the unsung heroes of the fringe – flyerers, big issue sellers and the like. Thompson has now located acceptable accommodation and is developing his role as Butler Technician to the festival. I, with only occasional moments for hot tea and a little light reading, am busying myself with litter-picking and the delivering of fond missives to the famous and not so famous. Mr Merton regretfully refused the proffered Jammy Doughnut.

Fletcher the Butler

Monday, 11 August 2008

In the wake of Fringe Sunday

As Hopkins and I sit on the airy patio of our palatial accommodation, partaking of instant tea and breakfast plum bread, our thoughts turn to Thompson and his relentless search across swathes of Southern Scotland, for the perfect night’s repose. Our thoughts turn, too, to the successes of yesterday’s Fringe Sunday, which saw us take our 20th commission. Hopkins appeared on stage, Thompson found a use for his technical expertise, and I enjoyed an encounter with Mackenzie Crook. But the highlight of the day, heralded by the cheerful tring of a fire bell in the meadows, must be the excellent cup of tea served to us from a beautifully restored fire engine. As we don our Butlerial apparel, we wonder what a new Edinburgh day will bring.

Fletcher the Butler

Sunday, 10 August 2008

What an eventful time so far in Edinburgh and it is only our first official day. We have all recieved numerous commissions and have met up with several friends from our previous years. Personally my highlight today has been a rather splendid cup of Strawberry Oolong I had for afternoon tea. I recieved a rather exciting commission today to provide some technical services to two charming young women for their comedy sketch show. It is the first time a Butler has been commsioned to carry out such a task, maybe there will be more to come.

I am now off to visit a rather splendid cheese emporium I noticed earlier on my travels, I will of course report back.


Saturday, 9 August 2008

The Butlers arrive in Edinburgh

So, the Butlers are once again in Edinburgh and, despite the heavy rain, have already succeeded in meeting old friends and receiving new commissions - 8 so far and it's only the first night! The dubious pleasures of instant tea have been revisited, as has the barking madness of the Edinburgh fringe on a Saturday night. Who knows what pleasures awit at Fringe Sunday?

Fletcher the Butler

Monday, 28 July 2008

Countdown to Edinburgh 2008

Final preparations are underway for my annual visit to the Edinburgh Festival with my colleagues Butlers Fletcher, Thompson and Newsam. Once again this year I will be offering my General factotum and journeying services to members of the general public whilst in Edinburgh. My colleagues will be specialising in Documenting, Chaperon and hand delivered message services. More details have now been posted onto our Website and of course you can contact us for any further information.

A busy few days ahead only 11 days before I depart for Edinburgh, final travel arrangements are being made, luggage carefully packed, my suits are being dry cleaned, business cards printed and of course ensuring my Sir, Lord Lennox departs safely for his yearly excursion to the Highlands of Scotland.

I am looking forward to meeting some old friends whilst in Edinburgh and no doubt making some new ones along the way. If I can be of service in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me, details are now on the website,


Butler Hopkins

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Science Butlers

On Saturday 5th July, the Science Butlers made
their debut at Winchester Hat Fair, offering to
demonstrate the scientific processes that are
involved in being of service to our respective
masters and mistresses. Butlers Edgar and Fletcher,
along with new butler Heward, took to the streets
with delicate trolleys loaded up with all manner
of butlerial equipment necessary to accomplish the
'morning routine', serve breakfast and lay the
perfect dining table. Braving a perilous wind, we
astonished passers-by with disappearing wine,
exploding Alka Seltzer, instant ice, spinning eggs
and volcanic milk, and could have continued to
demonstrate to large crowds through the day, if
we hadn't been keen to reflect upon our exploits,
imbibe a little lunchtime libation, and purchase
some most excellent chai from a local emporium.
However, this first experiment in science butlering
was adjudged a resounding success, and served as
a perfect preview to the next and more developed
Science Butlers outing, where Edgar, Fletcher and
Heward shall be joined by butlers Hopkins and
Thompson. In the meantime, we now look ahead to
August and Edinburgh, where we hope to renew our
acquaintance with some familiar faces, and be of
service to new Sirs and Modams.

Fletcher the Butler

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

no subject

Having recovered from the exhaustion, dehydration and sunburn, Butlers Fletcher,Edgar and Hopkins are pleased to report that they had a marvellous time on Whitstable beach last weekend, as guests of The Fete Encounter. Whitstable is a very civilised little community which took the Butlers to their hearts, although there was some confusion at the start, everyone seeming to assume that we were about to disrobe and run into the sea! Unfortunately, we had neglected to pack our striped bathing suits, and so had to disappoint on this score. However, we received some excellent commissions, including the erection of gazebos, manufacture of cuddly toys, hunting of treasure and substantial purchase of thirst-quenching beverages. Most surprising, perhaps, was a request to hold the towels of a group of young ladies who took it upon themselves to bathe 'au naturel'. It is at times like these that a conscientious and discreet Butler service can prove most useful and efficacious, bringing a decorous tone to proceedings, as well as holding at bay the over-eager paparazzi! Naturally, a selection of teas and tisanes
were imbibed at four, and the day was rounded off with a rather excellent plate of Whitstable Bay sausages and mash in a local hostelry, although Edgar insisted on a meat-free alternative. There was even time to view some Kentish oasthouses in the fading evening light. All in all, then, a most satisfying day, during which the Butlers were pleased to be of service. Their thanks go to a certain Ms. Walke, whose efforts (and Vettriano-like assistance) made the whole excursion possible. Every effort is now under way to prepare for the first outing of the Science Butlers at Winchester's Hat Fair this coming Saturday, demonstrating the extent to which we have to resort to science in order to service the needs of our various masters and mistresses.

Fletcher the Butler

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Butlers visit to the Seaside!!

As you may be aware Butlers Hopkins, Fletcher and Edgar made their first visit to the Seaside yesterday, fun was had by all I believe!  Photos of the visit should be online soon and my colleagues promise to give a more detailed report of the visit in due time.





Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Our new Butler...

The butlers are pleased to announce a new Butler, we would like to give a warm welcome to Butler Heward.

The more astute will note that this is the first female Butler to join us. Female butlers are somewhat a rarity in the profession at present, but have over recent years proved their place within our community, with an increasing number of requests for female Butlers being received at butler agencies, usually by Widowed Lady’s requiring that feminine support.

As always all our Butlers are fully vetted prior to joining and references taken. Butler Heward’s first appearance will be at the Winchester Hat Fair as a Science Butler, more details to follow…

Once again a warm welcome to our new colleague,



Monday, 26 May 2008

Fierce Festival photos added to the gallery

Photos from our visit to the ‘Fierce Festival’, Birmingham are now in the photo gallery, there will be more to follow…

The Butlers visited Birmingham!

Dear All,

We have nearly recovered from our visit to the 'Fierce Festival' yesterday in Birmingham, we were very kindly invited to participate in a old English village fete experience, created by ‘The Fete Encounter’. A wonderful day was had by all the Butlers, my colleagues will hopefully be putting some of their experiences on the blog in the coming days.

Myself, the strangest moment was being asked to put nail polish onto two charming ladies hands, not something I am accustomed to I might add, but a Butler needs to put their hands to many things!! An observation made by us all over the day was how polite everyone is in Birmingham, not once did we hear a cross word spoken and everyone was quite charming wherever we were throughout the City. Overall amongst bunting hanging, trolley repairing, gazebo anchoring, water hazard observations, cart guarding, nail polishing, march rallying and numerous photos. Thompson had a very pleasant and enjoyable day, with thanks to Jen and 'The Fete Encounter' for the invitation to provide services at their event.


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Three days till Birmingham

Not long now until the Butlers will be offering our services to the residents of Birmingham, courtesy of ‘The Fete Encounter’, we will be in Central Square, Brindley Place 12md-6pm.


Preparations are fully underway I am polishing my new travelling case, Fletcher is choosing his choose of tea for our 4pm break, Edgar has responsibility for co-ordinating our travel arrangements and Hopkins is carrying out a psychogeographical analysis of Birmingham city centre (best not to ask!)


Thank you to those who have already been in contact, we look forward to being of service during our visit.  For those unable to attend we will be posting a post service commentary, hopefully capturing some of the events that took place through the eyes of the Butlers,







Tuesday, 20 May 2008

The Butler Blog Returns!!

Dear All,

We hope this finds you well, following a Butler meeting this evening we have decided to open up our 'Butler Blog' to report on all of our activities over the coming period. Until now it has been reserved only to report happenings at our annual 'Edinburgh visit' each August. With an increase in demand for our Butlerial Services over the next few months, we thought it would be a nice informal way for the Butlers to update you on any new developments and share some of the personal experiences (good and bad!) we encounter whilst being of service.

As always we welcome any comments, experiences, thoughts, suggestions you may wish to add, we look forward to hearing from you.

