Tuesday, 1 July 2008

no subject

Having recovered from the exhaustion, dehydration and sunburn, Butlers Fletcher,Edgar and Hopkins are pleased to report that they had a marvellous time on Whitstable beach last weekend, as guests of The Fete Encounter. Whitstable is a very civilised little community which took the Butlers to their hearts, although there was some confusion at the start, everyone seeming to assume that we were about to disrobe and run into the sea! Unfortunately, we had neglected to pack our striped bathing suits, and so had to disappoint on this score. However, we received some excellent commissions, including the erection of gazebos, manufacture of cuddly toys, hunting of treasure and substantial purchase of thirst-quenching beverages. Most surprising, perhaps, was a request to hold the towels of a group of young ladies who took it upon themselves to bathe 'au naturel'. It is at times like these that a conscientious and discreet Butler service can prove most useful and efficacious, bringing a decorous tone to proceedings, as well as holding at bay the over-eager paparazzi! Naturally, a selection of teas and tisanes
were imbibed at four, and the day was rounded off with a rather excellent plate of Whitstable Bay sausages and mash in a local hostelry, although Edgar insisted on a meat-free alternative. There was even time to view some Kentish oasthouses in the fading evening light. All in all, then, a most satisfying day, during which the Butlers were pleased to be of service. Their thanks go to a certain Ms. Walke, whose efforts (and Vettriano-like assistance) made the whole excursion possible. Every effort is now under way to prepare for the first outing of the Science Butlers at Winchester's Hat Fair this coming Saturday, demonstrating the extent to which we have to resort to science in order to service the needs of our various masters and mistresses.

Fletcher the Butler

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