Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Tuesday 11/8 Man is the measure of all things

It's so nice when, after a few days, strangers begin to call, "Hello,
Butlers!" as they pass us in the city's streets, demonstrating our
ubiquity. Favourite moments from an eventful day were being mistaken
for a speed camera as we measured outside The Zoo, serving a most
serene and polite Canadian flyerer on the Royal Mile, and receiving my
first commission from an American. Amidst all of this, I also managed
to see two shows - a rather lovely lament from old friends and an
affecting Korean tale - before ending the day trapped in a somewhat
dinghy underground car park, comforted by the soothing sounds of the
great Teddy Wilson. Fletcher the Butler.

1 comment:

Elsie Cellany said...

How Lovely to be greeted as you cruise along!
What a fabulous atmosphere at Edinburgh this year
No rowing!