Sunday, 10 June 2012

Edinburgh 2012 - Excitement Mounts

Preparations are in full swing for our butlerial sojourn at the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012, and excitement is all the more since
we are this year to be in the Fringe programme, with our own allotted
venue - Everywhere, Anywhere at Venue 119. The programme has only just
been published, and we are already receiving enquiries after our
services, so this year promises to be a busy one for the four Butlers
- Fletcher, Thompson, Jancis and Jennings - who are making the annual
perambulation to that so-cherished Athens of the North.

Indeed, the range of our services also continues to expand, with new
specialisms added to our menu, which are guaranteed to keep us fully
occupied. Butler Fletcher will be endeavouring to increase awareness
of the unique history and heritage of the Fringe Festival, aiding
participants in perceiving their valuable artistic contribution as
part of a much larger and more fundamentally important whole. Butler
Thompson will be offering examples of the prestidigitatory art, as
well as seeking out and reviewing the presence of tea within this
year's Fringe offerings. Butler Jancis will be employing his skills of
ecritage to document the everyday hurly-burly of life at the Festival,
prying into its most mundane and prosaic crevices. And Butler Jennings
will be waxing archaeological in his ambition to uncover the Edinburgh
of the first Festival, some 66 years ago. All this, and we shall still
find time to offer our usual services of General Factotage.

One might be inclined to suppose that there would not be occasion
enough for any further butlerial activities, but we shall abide by
tradition in taking our customary afternoon tea at 4 o'clock every
afternoon and, of course, we could not spend any time in "Auld Reekie"
without honouring its greatest of sons, William Topaz McGonagall, by
daily reading out loud his heartfelt poems beneath the modest memorial
to his life and talents in Greyfriars Kirkyard.

We look forward to seeing friends old and new during our sojourn, from
Sunday 12th to Friday 17th August.

1 comment:

Elsie Cellany said...

Brilliant! All sounds very lovely! -best of luck, have a great time all you butlers, and hope to see Butler Fletcher before oolong!
Cecille x