Saturday, 11 August 2012

Saturday 11th August

How convivial a day was spent yesterday at the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival! After another al fresco breakfast with Butler Jancis (who is
revelling in the surprisingly clement weather, as am I), I once again
took to the buses to deliver more Certificates of Fringe
Accomplishment, this time to venues in Stockbridge, West End and
around Princes Street. I must say that the welcome that I received at
the hidden-away but highly appealing Venue 149 was particularly
gratifying. After an extended finger-sandwich lunch at the Hunt and
Darton Cafe, during which I was serenaded by the wonderful Molly and
Me and had an unexpected encounter with one of our Honorary Butlers, I
wended my way to Venue 143 to see an exciting new presentation by one
of the Butlers' favourite performers, with whom I was able to share
post-performance vin rouge and fine conversation, before a swift
promenade to Venue 61 to see a small but perfectly formed adaptation
of a Ray Bradbury story, followed by more beverage and bavardage to
end a most splendid day. Today, as we reach full Butler complement, I
move into formal butlerial garb for the first time, and begin to
accept commissions.

Fletcher the Butler

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